Hi guys, I deleted my old social media along time ago to get rid of all the red pill videos that might pop up but a few things i always still wonder about and sometimes i think is that why people are involved with this stuff. I'm 23 and left all that stuff at about 20 when i actually questioned how stupid these people are. I never had problems with women or realtionships and just kinda found red pill stuff through joe rogan which then went to jordan peterson and then further into the rabbit hole.

Are older men obsessed with younger women because they missed out on that stuff in their younger years? I always see comments from them saying how they are in their late 40s and 50s and look 20 year younger and have 6packs and make 6 figures while dating 19 year olds but i never see proof of this stuff and when i came around and asked could they prove it they proceeded to ghost me or say that they don't have insta or fb.

Do the guys who claim they pump and dump most nights of the week actually being honest because to me it seems they are basically making it up to make them seem legit to other guys in online forums who they will never meet so that they don't have to prove anything.

Is the hate for women over 30 mainly because these women still reject them so they sprout stuff like SMV and that they are at their prime at 35-45.

Are these men truly bad people or are they just men who can't get a date so have to live fake lives online to prove themselves?