It all begin in my early twenties. Being open and reactionary young guy, with low self esteem, the red pill attached itself to me, like a heroin to a heroin addict.
I mainly used to watch Rollo Tomassi, and read his books. As time went, I became more toxic and it was only the beginning, which eventually lead me into depression.
What lead me away from the red pill was condradicting anecdotal evidence by my two friends I used to go out with pretty frequently, and the study of personality disorders.
While one of my short chubby buddy had no problem with hooking up with girls and having relationships, I slowly started to doubt my red pill beliefs. I asked my self this question times over & over again. - " how could my chubby short friend who's so charming & nice around females do so well, while I fail being an imposter toxic guy?"
It didn't make sense.
It all came crashing down when I stupidity enough decided to recommend red pill content and explain it to two of my friends. They both cringed hard and had no idea what the hell I was talking about. I thought they were bluepilled then but they had no problem with getting girls which made me doubt my red pill beliefs even more.
What eventually got rid of my red pill beliefs was studying and researching about personality disorders & hearing licensed psychologist online go into details about it. This is something the red pill rarely talks about but when they do, it's mostly shifting their anger on all females(can be like that)
The red pill, in short approves being a narssist to manipulate and sleep with females to somewhat "cheat" the system. The problem arises is that most if not all red pill content creator have a tendencies to be narcissist or sociopath for example.
Andrew Tate is a perfect example of this, and this is why so many young teens are drawn to him. Being toxic is sadly entertaining and exiting for both men & females but it will eventually lead to trainrecks & ruined relationships.
The red pill teaches men to be assholes and manipulate females but they don't tell you it's toxic because that doesn't sell. What they'll eventually do, is hurt the females they sleep with in the process, emotional in the long term.
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