Having been in the red pill community for a few years and the pick up artist community even longer, I've always maintained a rotation of different girls I'd casually see/date/hook up, etc. The red pill kind of ingrained in my head that I shouldn't show women too much attention or validation and I guess my own confirmation bias showed that anytime I showed women some interest they would lose attraction for me. As a result I've maintained my distance, hanging out with a girl twice a week at the most and eventually the relationships fizzled out over time.

Recently I looked up some of the previous girls I used to casually see and a lot of them seem to be in committed, happy relationships. A lot of their boyfriends seem to be breaking the red pill's "cardinal rules" - they hang out multiple times a week, show a lot of attention/validation ("a lot of public I love you posts, and pictures together, and typically have entry level jobs (which go against red pill's emphasis on "hypergamy").

My question is how did those guys who are "supposedly" doing things wrong according to red pill, transition from meeting their girls to a relationship? Did they have a similar "hooking up phase" as well or did they approach things differently? And what are some tips for myself (and other ex-redpillers) who would like to go from "spinning plates" (casually dating) to being in a relationship? Thanks!