The link is below somewhere.⬇️

I'm just like you guys because I've been seeing this redpill BS for 3 years and yelling at the screen for them to shut up for about a year now. At some point you have to get your own thoughts out there. I'm not really concerned with how many people subscribe or see it right away. But if one guy/girl who's been brainwashed by the redpill/bluepill stuff can see it, I'll be happy. Also for anybody who has seen through the redpill BS like me, it would be great if we have a chance to have our voices heard for once. I figure if we're on Reddit why not have a more visible platform like Youtube.
So feel free to leave any thoughts, complaints, notions or ideas in the comment section. I would love a discussion and I'll definitely read the comments. I made a little intro but I'll be dropping a video with my actual thoughts ASAP. The link to the channel is right here: No Pill Youtube