This sub has it's value, it allows people to express their opinions against the red pill and understand that they're not the only ones who have been fucked over by RP ideology. However, it takes actual actions to leave RP behind and this place simply can't offer the means to achieve this.

RP ideology is rooted on a deep-seated conflict with the opposite sex that most likely started at believers' homes and surrounding environment. Using studies to convince yourself that women aren't promiscuous, hypergamous or whatever other quality that RP attributes to them can shed a different light on female behavior in a superficial way, but it won't solve the fear in any meaningful way. In fact, it can make it worse by triggering the "women are wonderful" effect as a defense mechanism, when you try to convince yourself how great and innocent women are just to be pushed down the same hateful path when a woman you like fails to live up to your new standard for female behavior.

All the posts complaining about Fresh&Fit and other RP content creators don't help either. These shouldn't be actively avoided out of pure fear, but once everyone knows how toxic their content is, there is no need to bring their videos here every time they say something stupid. Posting their videos keeps their message alive and that's the last thing you want when you're trying to detox. Let them exist in their own bubble.

Furthermore, there's a massive influx of FDSers in this sub. Unlike RP content which is explicitly sexist, FDS' sexism gets a pass because the whole ideology opposes RP. Nevertheless, the enemy of your enemy isn't necessary your friend. FDS is very hateful towards men and women who don't conduct their love lives in a way that it approves, and FDS standards for relationships are pretty much patriarchal. If you're a man trying to detox, the last thing you need to have is people shaming you because of your looks and income. If you're a woman trying to escape RP sexism, you don't need the constant slut-shaming from women who hate men while simultaneously making relationships with them the center of their universe.

I'd even go as far as to say that to detox, you need to decrease your participation in dating subs, relationship forums and any other spaces that roll on negativity bias or try to sell you a strategy to overcome your problems. This might sound like a cliché, but to detox you might need therapy or talk to a professional willing to address your feelings of inadequacy.

Good luck!