My nephew is going through this right now. He is 23 but his girlfriend is 26. They have a baby that’s almost two years old. He didn’t want her to keep the baby and the baby was an “accident”. His girlfriend claimed she didn’t know how to take the birth control she was given when in reality I think she used a baby to trap my nephew in a relationship. From what I heard from other family members, she was desperate to have a child because all her friends were settling down and having children and she wanted to fit in. I have heard many stories like this where a woman will decides she wants to get pregnant and not tell her boyfriend that she stopped taking birth control and next thing you know he ends up with a baby he didn’t want. How can a man avoid these type of women? There seem to be a lot of these women out there. I always wear condoms but women have been known to poke holes in them when you are not around