I (26F) dated my bf (26M) for a year before he started consuming red pill content. I broke up with him 2 and a half years into our relationship, but I ignored the signs as I should've broken it off months into it.
He was depressed while we were dating and I knew that. He gained a lot of weight, jobless, and self conscious. I tried to help him out to the best of my abilities, encouraging him to go out on hikes, be outside, taking him out to eat, buying him clothes that fit and other things. I did love him and he said he loved me too, but he wasn't really showing it. And that's the part where I was hurt, I kept asking him to show me love and appreciation and assured him it doesn't take money. Time went on and things didn't change so I started to feel insecure and I snooped through his phone and found him talking disrespectful about me to his friends. We broke it off but still remained friends then got back together but in this time he started consuming red pill media.
He became obsessed with exposing female nature and doing shit tests on me, telling me that I'm insecure, and that he wants to stay in a relationship but have a one sided open relationship on his end. He said some vile things about me to my face, when we would have arguments he'd be disrespectful and make me cry, he'd tell me that he's better than me amongst other things. And for a moment I believed things that he was saying and I became sad and insecure. I started doing my own research about red pill and while I think the part of wanting feminine women is correct, I believe a man should make a safe environment for that to thrive. I tried explaining that, but he had such a narrow mindset.
Everytime I tried to break up with him he'd always reel me back in with a sob story. I knew he was going through a lot in his personal life but I always tried to help and support him in any way possible. I made sure to show him love and try to take burden off of him. I knew I was a good person to him, and whenever I asked for him to show love he would take that ase trying to change him.
I finally broke it off and I have never felt so much weight off my shoulders. I feel light and free without that burden of having a bf that believes such misogynistic views.
Tl;dr: I finally broke it off with my red pilled bf of 2 and a half years.
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