Inversion thinking is simply thinking from an opposite perspective of your own by putting yourself in that persons shoes and then translating the message in your own words from your perspective (usually by taking whatever positivity you can get out of it and discarding or blocking the rest)

It is a very powerful and life changing form of critical thinking, because it shows you the big picture.

Yet to do it requires extreme empathy and understanding of the following.

1: We are all born to love and create with everyone.

2: As we age and experience life, these experiences and the lessons we teach ourselves from them, move us closer to manifest energy in three ways.

A: Positive energy with the highest form being creation for when you live something you tend to create more of it.

B: Negative energy with the highest form being destruction for when you hate you tend to destroy.

C: Neutrality when you are so ridden with fear you do very little or nothing at all.

3: People tend to only do what they know and what they know is through experiences and how they perceive them. A racist is not born a racist. They are taught it. Same with any other horrible act you can think of.

4: Good people can be made to do bad things and bad people can be made to redeem Themselves through change.

5: Thus never criticize the messenger but put clarity towards the message because the only thing separating positive from negative is potentially a few very bad experiences causing the temporary loss of morality (To nor harm for the greater good).

So how do we do this with red pill or extreme feminism or anything that has actions or views we can’t understand Simple.

We take the message and give it clarity through our truth u sweats ding and love.

Part two in comments.