So this is really sad because when I met him he was fantastic. A charismatic man with a few flaws but I genuinely loved him. It was like I was on cloud nine. He would take me to lavish dinners and shower me with gifts and we would spend movie nights to his place having the best sex and conversations. Well, all of a sudden he suddenly and gradually started to turn into a monster. He began to get overly offended by everything I said. Even when I wasn't being offensive. He would tell me to stay in a women's place and that my fat ass should hit the gym or he is leaving. I was so stunned by his sudden change in attitude that I developed PTSD and OCD trauma triggered by his constant outburst and overly emotionally abusive behavior. I then began to realize that every day he was talking about topics such as student loans, only fans, marriage, relationships, and how men do not benefit from any of them. I mean he talked about these topics around the clock. It was non stop. Annoyed by this I became fed up and told him to stfu and leave me alone. That is when he confessed that he is MGTOW and red pill. I did a quick google search and realized that he has became brainwashed by these group of men on the internet that could be preying on vulnerable men.

I was an awesome girlfriend and loved him to pieces. I am not the woman the redpillers tend to group together and hate. My boyfriend had a perfect life and our relationship was fantastic. He has become delusional and fixated on 18-year-old girls at 25 and told me I am too old ( I am only 28). He keeps going on and on. I think his mental health is slowly declining and he is on an anxiety-filled power trip of what his life could possibly be if he became a dad and married.

I told him to stop with fixation and nonsense every day and give your brain a rest but he doesn't listen.

What is his problem? I think he needs serious help.

He grew up in a single-parent home and most of the marriages that he knows of are all ruined. He never had any positive examples of couples and marriages other than my mom and dad who have been happily married for over 30 years.