My female friend told me society doesn't owe me anything, only because I'm asking for some compassion and some interest, but when she has hundreds of followers on the Instagram, who constantly make her compliments, give her hearts and give a lot of attention, only because of she's a woman then society owes her this, because of her gender. I can't really understand the whole hypocrisy of that. When I'm asking for some interest, I DO NOT DESERVE, I have to work for this, but when woman gets it all for being woman then it's completely fine.

I do not wanna be sexist or offensive in anyway, but I'm suffering from dysthymia since many years and it's really hard for me to cope with "double depression" and all I can hear from my female friend I supported for months, is "depression is a choice" and I got some Buddha's quotes about benefits of loneliness and solitude and I've been told, I do not deserve for anything.

It extremely hurt me, because I kept her up in difficult moments of her life and I never told her such things like "Nobody owes you anything" or I did not send her some Buddhist bs to justify her suffering and pain. I felt so extremely bad.