My husband and I have been strongly matched from the start. We met and had similar jobs, we had similar values, and I currently have 0 desire to leave him.

Every struggle he has, he's tried to face sincerely and has had enough respect for me to let me know about very serious infidelity issues that went on for a long time. While coming clean about being addicted to (professional) sex may seem like a huge betrayal to most people, I viewed it as being authentic and trusting me enough to let me know.

He has always been somewhat isolated. He has serious anxiety about forming friendships since his prior best friend tried to drunkenly murder him in 2016. At this time, he has only one friend. That friend is deep into both MGTOW and Red Pill culture. My husband has told me that his friend repeatedly encouraged my husband to have affairs, and even framed it as a budgeting decision when he found out about my husband's pro-infidelities (which began before this friendship and were not caused by, but are no doubt were fueled by, his friend's views.)

My husband has started to make casual comments in passing about how feminism serves no purpose except to enrage men, how women expect everything for nothing, etc. I don't see anything in our lives that has changed to make him think differently of me- we both work full time, I do all the household budgeting and until recently I was the only one who did any retirement saving. Our chores were quite evenly distributed until recently, with me doing slightly more but him doing slightly more uncomfortable tasks.

He has recently stopped doing what were once considered 'his' chores (laundry and lawn care) but he has a list of criticisms for how I do them since he has stopped. Nor has he taken up other home care; I continue to do cooking, dishes, pet care, groceries, and misc. home care.

If I decline to do something he wants me to do (the most recent example would be to stop working and go microwave him a slice of pie) then he sulks for hours, makes snide remarks, and trues to have what I would describe as degrading sexual contact with me.

Is there anything I can do without leaving, other than just try to protect myself and hope he gets well? Is there something that would have gotten through to you, or something that might've convinced you to see a therapist? I miss feeling close to my husband. I miss feeling like I could be vulnerable and trust him completely, and I don't want to resent him years down the line.

Thank you for any help or ideas you have.