(Trigger warning )

Note: This is quite long so well break it in parts soon as I get to a pc.

The idea of last minute resistance has been around since the bible of PUA came to fruition in 2005.

The concept is simple.

If a women says no then say ok wait a few minutes or hours then try again and again and eventually she’ll say no or yes or nothing because women secretly want to play cat and mouse even when they are at risk for getting raped. Plus they all have a rape fantasy they want an alpha to fulfil so be that guy.

Well as someone who is studying psychology and some biology relating to alert systems in our body (anxiety, fear past trauma reactions) I can very well say that this is heavily inaccurate and could land you in jail.

For starters many women (especially abused ones) have a hard time voicing concerns for various reasons but they will tell no in other ways, mainly through freezing or negative body language or words.

Freezing is simply that, not saying or doing anything. And if you are with a women and this happens you have to be very careful because chances are she is a sexual assault survivor.

Another way no is heard is by saying things like, let’s not go too fast, I don’t usually do this on the first date, I’m not that comfortable yet can we go back to kissing, etc.

Body language is anything negative. She could move away, push your arm away, go through with your move but then later distance herself.

When this happens then you have to listen to what’s being said or physically communicated and respond in a way that is highly empathetic. Here is an example.

“I noticed when I did x, you did y. I’m guessing you are not that comfortable with doing x right now with me and I completely understand. Let’s take it back a few notches and just enjoy the night/day. We were having soo much fun before and I’d hate to let a lustful desire ruin such a great connection with someone.

By doing this you show a few things.

First, sex is not your goal (Nor should it be)

Second: You value her more than just a piece of ass. (Which you should)

Third: You are still confident and still taking the lead and not putting the pressure on her which makes her feel comfortable and safe.

Fourth: You acknowledge and validate her emotions snd make her feel like she can open up to you with anything as d you make her feel safe and comfortable around you.

I could keep going but I also don’t want to not sound like oh you should do these things but secretly do it to get her cause that’s not the point and it thankfully will mostly never work because women have bullshit meters better than metal detectors. You have to genuinely believe these things for it to actually work.

Continued in comments.