The gaslighting and reality twisting was really bad and sent me into psychosis many times before I finally went into a professional from the burn out of being around many of them (was a nerdy broken loner who was friends with other nerdy broken loners, so Red Pill was pretty normal in our social circles).
It took years to understand what had been done to me after a group of "friends" decided to ravage my mind at the behest of online e-cult leaders. There was no regard to my safety, the life I had outside of them, etc. But when the trained professional gave me validation for the pain they had put me through, I broke down again.
It was all real. All the abuse that had been 'practiced' on me without my consent was real. My pain was real. The severe symptoms that I had and still have was real. I was broken worse than I was and not one uttered any apology even after they had been caught trying to smear me publically after I started talking about it.
Red Pill would likely come down harder the more we talk about how some of the strategies actually the affect a other person's brain (like the amygdala hijacks that happen with Dread Game, especially when used long term and as a form of emotional blackmail).
None of these men are properly trained enough to be dishing out life-altering psychological strategies on another person's mind and life without proper disclosures, training, etc., right? Most of them broke people very badly and then just walked away and gave the silent treatment. Where is the accountability?
[–]Goldenrattler -3 points-2 points-1 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]LilLogicBomb1 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link
[+]Goldenrattler 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link