Hi guys.

I'm starting to get really concerned in my relationship and would love some insight. My boyfriend (26) regularly consumes red pill content. When we started dating he told me that he wasn't red pill but believed some of the basic red pill stuff. I feel like I ignored a red flag there and how I'm realizing he is much more red pill than I thought. I'm going to bullet examples below:

  • he talks about hypergamy and how women are not capable of unconditional love, always looking for the next best thing.
  • he thinks that he would not be okay making less money than me, and would prefer for me to be a stay at home mom one day, but also wouldn't want to share his assets with me beyond necessities and wouldn't want me to be able to receive if I became dependent on him and we divorced.
  • he thinks women are less valuable with every additional body added to their count
  • he thinks male body count does not matter
  • "women peak in their twenties, men don't reach their prime til 30-40"
  • "marriage is a trap and only benefits women." "women trap men with marriage and then stop trying"
  • he starts issues when I start to feel secure in the relationship and begins to bring up that he has options, as if doing so to make sure I feel like he's far out of my league and need to worry I'll lose him. (I consider myself a pretty "high-value woman" and also have a lot of romantic and sexual options - arguably more options than him, but I don't talk about it and make it known because doing so would only cause insecurities that aren't necessary. )

Those are just some examples. I can provide more. I honestly think this all comes from ego and self-esteem issues. I can't tell if he is just insecure and villainizing women including me to avoid hurt or looking dumb, or to feel less powerless; or, if he is just selfish and hateful and misogynistic.

What did it take for you to stop the red pill thinking?

How did you justify those red pill thoughts, and did you actually think you were being a more "hvm" by being red pill?

What the fuck is this "alpha" power machismo thing and why do red pill men care so much about being "alpha"?

Do you have any suggestions on how I can reason with him and show him how ridiculous this all is?