Most of these husbands have broken attachment relationships with their children and it is causing their children issues including attachment.

Why is this?

Unlike men once a women who has broken attachment has a child; unless there is another underlying health condition they quickly fix their attachment issues.

As a result men will report their wives in therapy to have changed for the worst, but fail to report that it’s only the worst for them, not their children.

The research and case studies also suggests why women fight adamantly for children in court because many do see their ex partners as the source of the childrens unhappiness thus they feel if they don’t prevent that unhapiness the children could literally die.

When some men try to change during the what is called in rp “as bait and switch phase” they also reported their wife got worse as they continued, to change which after careful analysis was a defense mechanism of the wife for not getting their hopes up in case it was all a ruse.

Yet research also suggests if the husband changes for the children, puts up with the bs of his ex including a dead bedroom, the ex wife will actually start to come around because the closer the husband bonds with their children for the children not because she wants him too, the more oxytocin is released in the wife as a way to repair the broken pair bonds, achieve nervous system homeostasis and keep the family together.


Attachment series from Dr. Adam Lane Smith, as well as his videos on chris Williamson; Huberman labs and Dr. Andrew Huberman’s episode on February 14 2022 on love desire and attachment. (Roughly around 20 hours of research)