Before I started watching red pill I was a pretty down to earth easy guy to talk to. Girls enjoyed my company and although I wasn’t a “player” I still got a decent attention and results from females.

However, I came across Red pill a few years ago, particularly Alpha Male Strategies(AMS). He’s message was about helping men self-improve but they’re was an underlying hatred for women in his message. Example, he talked about punishing women for bad behaviour like ignoring messages,constantly holding masculine frame,never complimenting women, putting your foot on womens throats(not literally), having an attractive female friend makes you a simp,making women lick your a**(literally) as a power move

The more I listened the more I turned into this dude who came across as fake. Females would avoid me after initially liking me based on what I said or how I acted. I remember talking to this girl attractive girl at a party and turning her off coz I was “holding masculine frame”. I just wasn’t myself any more. The more I watched his videos the more angry I got at women.

Thank fully I put RP to the side last year. I recently watched AMS on a podcast with F&F and a bunch of girls from Miami. Interesting enough i barely saw the masculine frame he talked about. What made things worse for him was when he asked the 10 ladies on the show to pick who they would sleep with on an island and none of them picked him.