This sub isn't a movement, nor a philosophy. We don't have a set of teachings on which most people can agree upon, nor a group lingo like "AF/BB" or any other pompous concepts. This sub isn't even a group of people nor a "club" and you don't become an "Ex red piller" the same way you become a "MGTOW" or an "Incel". That is, you don't derive a sense of identity from being in this sub because that's just weird and contradictive of going back to normalcy after red pill.

This group is merely an internet sub to share advice on how to detox from red pill

This sub is aimed at helping people who tried out red pill in real life and came out vastly damaged because of it, and now have decided to forget TRP way of thinking/lifestyle or are strongly heading on that direction. And i'm not talking about the average dancing monkey TRPer who merely toys around with Tinder or spends his time debating on forums about his new found philosophy.

  • Im talking about the dude who went around on campus acting like "an alpha douchebag" and quickly became the uni joke when all he wanted was a girlfriend;

  • I'm talking about the guy who used dread on his girlfriend/wife and now is divorcing because of it;

  • I'm talking about the guy who finally got a girlfriend but now agonizes over her cheating or leaving "because hypergamy" and who can't experience any intimicy;

  • I'm talking about the guy who went cold approaching women for a long time and hardly got laid;

  • I'm talking about the Incel who got exposed to red pill and developed deep depression or even contemplated suicide (tho, admitedly, you should seek professional help if this is your case);

  • On ocasion, i'm talking about the girl who was somehow harassed or abused by a TRPer;

Or any other actual victim of this red pill shit looking for a way out.

This is not a place for debating red pill. Let's be very intelectually honest here. Debate never changed anyone's opinion. Research supports the idea that being confronted with opposite points of view does next to nothing. Real life experience is what changes opinions. That's why we don't try to persuade anyone to leave red pill. We merely hep those who tried it and got fucked over.

To the TRPer lurker: Know where you are and what type of sub this is before posting and stop complaining for getting banned.