This may sound a little counterproductive but let me just explain. If you’re ugly and generally unsuccessful with the opposite sex (like me) it’s actually PERFECTLY fine to be sad about that. Lots of people on reddit and subs like this and the dating advice one, tell people in my position to not care, and focus on our lives etc.

Well, I disagree. Our bodies, hearts and minds literally force us to fall in love, seek sex and companionship. Unless you’re a literal psychopath, there’s no escape! You’ll go to college/work... there will be cute girls/boys in your class/workplace or even just customers. You’ll be attracted. It’s human nature. And when you’re generally plain or not anything special, being lonely and not sexually active you’ll get sad and depressed. This doesn’t make you a bad person and reddit is confusing because it make you feel like a bad person for wanting love, companionships and even just sex - all of which are natural.

Me? It’s almost been a week since I drag myself out of redpill/MGTOW stuff. It’s been easier than I thought, bad things about women have creeped up on me, but I just thought of examples of girls who AIN’T like the bad ones and I was able to get over it. My resentment and bitterness has actually left, however sadness and general depression has stayed. Like - it sucks that not even ONE cute girl has liked me, asked me out or anything you know, when my friends have multiples girls hitting them up, GF’s, FWBs etc. And I don’t... it hurts and anyone in my position should feel sad and depressed if you’re a person with basic human emotions.

However, if you let these thoughts an feelings marinate into hate and anger towards women/men, well, then you have a problem. It’s not right to hate on people for not liking you, they’re free to do so! I’m a pretty normal guy. I pulled myself out of that shit and I reconnected with a female friends, I’m feeling much better but when my friends talks about sex I definitely feel sad and left out.

Depression and sadness are fine. Hate and bitterness makes you the creepy, weird incel loser.