To redpilldetox ,redpill kyriptinite etc thank you for your comments and reminding me there are good people in this world I'm sorry you all suffered worse than I ever could imagine but also thank you for being here to help keep me on the straight and narrow everything has helped me so I thank you also the other reason I make this post is because I noticed a trend here occasionally an incel user by depressedbadger96 makes his way over and my god he's either a troll or he's just really pathetic because most of posts are just self loathing followed up by insulting comments to either us or women it's ridiculous because the whole point of this sub is to get better to improve yourself it's one thing to drown in your own misery it's another to try and drag us down with you, but I digrace if any of you have wondered am I making a difference I can tell you yes once again thank you all