This has nothing to do with redpill or incels or anything. But at age 30, I kind of get curious if there has always been such an insane level of competition among men for very attractive women? Or if it has evolved a lot in the era of social media/tinder?

I made a post before about dating being harder now that I'm successful and have money (plus a nice body, decent height, etc.). But now I think age related declines in facial looks are not an isolated factor. It just seems that the "competition" for attractive women has skyrocketed the past decade.

  1. Most attractive girls in their mid to late 20s are not single.
  2. The ones who are single, have always had guys competing for them, even decades ago.
  3. But, that "competition" is off the charts now since the pool of potential options is enormous.

It's pros and cons and the internet has made it a lot easier for most guys too. But it does deal some crazy advantages as well.