Before the red pill I had a lot of great promises, I had a great career outreach(multiple companies interested in my profile), I was well fit with lifting(cage fighting), and I was doing really well in college(deans list on track to graduate). I am attractive and highly social, I used to throw parties in college. I travelled, did the typical college spring break, and I was never a big weirdo.

I have a high paying skill, which became my main focus before the red pill. I found the red pill after wanting assistance to game this one girl who was really attractive. I already had sex with her before TRP, and had sex with many girls prior. I did have some flaws and insecurities with myself and with women that the red pill helped me overcome at first, which kept me interested in reading more content.

Eventually I consumed too much of that “alpha male” front that lead me to the girl and I breaking up. I was hurt and confused, which ultimately lead me to read more red pill and MGTOW videos as a coping mechanism and to find reasons to blame her. Afterwards, I became more insecure about women and my focus went from my career to trying to prove that I can get more and more women.

I grew bitter after the breakup, bitter about my career, and bitter about life in general. TRP made me believe that no women can ever trust me and that I can never have a wife and kid at home.

Eventually, I failed my final year in college, lost various career opportunities and grew to be depressed. I needed something to cope, so I got back into cagefighting to help me out. I am currently in a relationship now, which I struggle with because of the insecurities that the red pill gave me.

I don’t know what to do next, I’m lost and I lost my promising career spark. I want to be back into my career again, but I lost many opportunities.

What to do next?