Talking to two girls right now but i can't picture a positive outcome becuase of my sexual experience.

I can do everything right but I fear the point of getting intimate because so many people put weird stigmas and stereotypes on virgins even if they proven not to and that's grounded in reality

I know most women WILL NOT SEE IT AS A POSITIVE of course not all, but enough for there to be a stigma. People already assumed that there's something wrong if you haven't which makes it worse because it's other people's assumptions and not yours

And it's also hypocritical because everyone started out as one. It makes my skin crawl hearing people bring up their preferences for non-virgins because everyone started out at whatever age or whatever place in life.

I hear some positives from it and I hear this some women prefer it but I can't see any proof of it and my experiences as a man have not helped it because I've been shamed too many times.

And it doesn't matter if it comes from women or men or Society or yourself because that stigma is going to be there and no one is fighting to change that. I'm a man and I know many other men who are virgins and everything in between who still don't fit a woman's dream so it does kind of make me feel like I'm locked out of this game simply for something that's so minor but so big for everyone else.

It's easy to be ecstatic about love and romance when you're 18 and young but I'm 23 and as time goes on no amount of positivity or a great personality is going to make a girl want to sleep with a virgin unless that's her thing or she really likes you but considering how fickle females are nowadays I just don't know.

I don't hate women I don't resent them but I do however see you then a big blind spot women have socially is trying to live through a man's shoes. I spent my whole life trying so hard not to hurt or offend women in trying my best to respect them but imagine being at the end of all that and realizing that doing the opposite would have made sexual interactions much more easier.