If it's not for the safety her partner/family can provide for them? I mean besides of that, women can have infinite options for guys, whenever they want because of social media and dating apps. It really seems that 99% of all the ladies could easily hook up with pretty much anyone they want. Which is absolutelly fine.

However, I don't really get why women even want to be monogamous. I understand the whole feelings/respect for your partner thing, but it really seems that there are a lot of couples nowadays who "have romance at home", but girl is being open. Which is understandable. Why would someone want to deny their partner's pleasure, if they really love them?

However, it kinda crushes my soul, since it would be really hard for me to be non-monogamous. And even though Im not really a RP man, I start to believe that monogamy was enforced on people, so there could be "order" in society. Since, it really seems that majority of women admit that monogamy is actually controlling and not that "fun" at all.