Here are some of the rules that YouTube has against hate speech that apply to the MGTOW/RedPill videos I've seen:

• Dehumanizing individuals or groups by calling them subhuman, comparing them to animals, insects, pests, disease, or any other non-human entity.

• Use of racial, religious or other slurs and stereotypes that incite or promote hatred based on any of the attributes noted above. This can take the form of speech, text, or imagery promoting these stereotypes or treating them as factual. (specifically MinisterJap)

• Claim that individuals or groups are physically or mentally inferior, deficient, or diseased based on any of the attributes noted above. This includes statements that one group is less than another, calling them less intelligent, less capable, or damaged.

• Allege the superiority of a group over those with any of the attributes noted above to justify violence, discrimination, segregation, or exclusion.

• Conspiracy theories saying individuals or groups are evil, corrupt, or malicious based on any of the attributes noted above. (attitudes towards feminist and feminism)

• Call for the subjugation or domination over individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above. (preaching that women should completely submit to men)

• Deny that a well-documented, violent event took place. (reactions to #MeToo allegations)

These rules can be found by clicking " Other types of content that violates this policy " on this page: