Men prefer masterbating (but with women's bodies instead of their own hand).

"Good sex" to men is about dOmInAtInG and degrading women. I.e: using a human sex toy. They want women to be vulnerable and to make the right porn faces and sounds. They claim this is because "eNtHusSiAsM" matters so much. But that's a lie. It doesn't matter at all. They just want a performance to masturbate to. For example if a woman's genuine pleasure is silent? A man will complain that she's too vanilla. Compare that to a pickme who fake screams (while secretly feeling nothing at all). He'll consider the fake squealing to be "eNtHusiAsm" and the quiet orgasm to be a "dead bedroom" 🙃. So it's a lie.

It's so hot when men can let go and be in the moment and be vulnerable (looking stupid, making weird noises, saying sweet things instead of porn things, being submissive). When I first met my bf I told him I was "demisexual" (it's a long story, I was confused) 🤦🏼‍♀️ and he rightly thought that was ridiculous. Because it turns out I just like mutual pleasure, equal vulnerability and actual connection. Aka what sex IS. And I don't like to masterbated with. That's not "demisexual" though, that's sex. I just wasn't used to men who liked sex at that point in my life. Because most of them don't 🤷🏼‍♀️

Tldr; Porn ruined sex

Eh...edit: men ruined sex (their preference to masturbate with our bodies predates porn 🙃)