Now this is not because of sign compatibility, but rather to see what his reaction is.

Astrology is one of the few areas men can usually not mansplain to you. Which is why so many LVM hate it.

If astrology is something you’re passionate about, it shouldn’t be any different from any other hobby. So asking a question as harmless as “what’s your zodiac sign?” should be just that.

However, this doesn’t apply to LVM. Many LVM will very openly hate astrology, thinking their oh-so-intelligent selves are way above it and may even laugh in your face for daring to ask them such a stupid question.

A man’s reaction to you asking such an insignificant thing will often speak volumes on his character and how misogynistic he is.

Red flags to look out for include:

• getting angry

• “Do you ACTUALLY believe in that?” and any variation of this

• Calling astrology stupid or indirectly calling you stupid

• Saying you’re “one of those girls

• “I’m a MAN, I’m not into that”

• Telling you some mockery sign such as “I’m an asparagus”

There are many ladies who love astrology and many who don’t. Both are great! This post is not to say anything about astrology itself, but rather to give you a way you could use it as a topic of conversation to filter out LVM!