Imagine asking someone to permanently change their body for you.

Imagine asking someone to risk cracking their hips. Having permanent incontinence. Chapped nipples. Rips or tears in their genitals. Their feet swollen. Painful sex.

Imagine asking someone to be nauseous and throw up for a while, then be hungry constantly. And to then worry about their weight. Have endless doctors appointments.

Imagine asking someone to permanently affect their ability to earn money, get job, engage in hobbies in a negative way.

Imagine asking someone to risk death for you.

All of this lasts a year if not 18 years.

How the fuck can men cheat on their pregnant spouse? Or mock them? Or treat them negatively in any way?

I don’t understand how men can ask for a child and then be so fucking ungrateful.

I know Reddit loves to shit on pregnant women. But they’re giving up SO much to be pregnant.

Any woman who wants to have children needs to ruthlessly vet their partner, analyze their finances, be able to support themselves, have a backup plan.

I’ve never been pregnant so I’m sure I’m missing many things. Please add them!

So many men absolutely revile mothers. I can’t believe how ungrateful men as a whole are towards women. mothers, and pregnancy.

(I feel like I shouldn’t have to put a disclaimer but I know there’s bad mothers/women)