Everytime I try to breakup things turn into staying friends because I start to feel guilty and sad. But I'm getting so tired of this all.
Even today he called incest a "kink" and was upset with me because I say "ew" when people talk about it. I felt sick to the stomach after he told me that. Worst off its not even the sickest he has made me feel. He will never understand the sadness he has put me through.
No more being pressured into painful anal sex. No more being his therapist. No more listening to him guilt me into taking him back. Im so tired i want to scream. So so so so done. I need to work on myself and get away from him
I muted notifs from his texts. Blocked him on insta blocked him on fb. I just...dont want to ghost him
But at the same time having conversations about it doesnt help. Plus he still holds grudges against me from when I last tried to break up. But somehow he doesnt take the hint.
Idk. I still love him and thats my problem. It breaks my heart but i know it wont get better and the longer i stay the more time i waste and the more painful it will be.
I dont really have friends to talk about it with and i dont want to burden others with my nonsense.
I want to move on so badly but I feel so bitterly alone.
I keep myself busy with work. Taking on more positions. More hours. Trying to express my feelings with drawing too. But its never enough.
Idk maybe this is inappropriate for this sub. I just feel like I'm going to have a breakdown. Im so tired
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