I am a senior scientist in a STEM field with a PhD. Through my long education and career I have had many opportunities to mentor and train younger scientists. My experience with men versus women has been fairly consistent in this time.
Every time I have helped/trained or mentored males, once they get the job or get the promotion they make sure to take all the credit and rarely thank the plethora of people that supported them. (there are rare exceptions of course). The most disappointing part is that these men have never returned the favor by helping me career wise or even a show of gratitude. And as far as I know they make zero effort to pay it forward by helping their juniors.
My experience with mentoring women has been the exact opposite. Women scientists work 10x harder than their male counterparts and when they win - everybody wins. They spread the credit and pay it forward. I am still in touch with women I trained decades ago and I am proud of them.
With this in mind, weighing the pros and cons. I have decided to actively turn down opportunities to mentor or train men.
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