Story time! Last weekend I had dinner with my sister, her fiance and my partner. Myself, my sister, and her fiance are from the same cultural background which has the stereotype of being quite loud (true). So we got into a bit of a heated political discussion related to the shitstorm going on in the US (we're in Canada). My future BIL would NOT let up. After I realised we had differing views I told him as such and stated we don't have to agree and to just move on. But no, he kept pestering and trying to convince me, and following me around the house. I told him to drop it yet again, and finally my bf diverted his attention with another topic. I PROMPTLY forgot about this 'discussion'. I got other things on my mind and the opinions of my LV BIL are of no consequence to me. My sister calls last night to ask if I could apologise to her fiance as he was upset I...disagreed with him? And now he was harassing her about it and she wanted to clear the air. I apologised to HER because she had to deal with his whiney baby shit. And demanded he apologise for harassing me, or else there'd be no more dinners. Lo and behold the next day I get a sheepish apology from LV BIL, and a promise those topics won't be brought up again.

Ladies, you don't lose anything by refusing to 'keep the peace' but you gain respect and self-confidence by sticking to your guns.

I can only hope my refusal to be the accommodating one rubs off on my sister and she dumps the loser leeching off her.

Tell me your stories of holding ground, and refusing to be the 'nice' guy!