He uploaded this post on his instagram story. I don’t know the entire stories but the common thing here is that these 3 girls did something wrong with/to men & the public is demanding their arrest? Okay fine. But what has any of this got to do with feminism?! Why is feminism being blamed here?!? No correlation at all.

I live in a country where women getting raped/assaulted is an everyday occurrence & very few people bat an eyelash about these issues. In the past when such heinous cases went viral & activists were demanding justice for the victims, I didn’t see one dude from my workplace post anything on their instagram story regarding any of it, nor do they even acknowledge the injustice/abuse that women face everyday.. but see how quick they are to post in relation to “fAkE FeMiNism”. Ughhhh. I mean, if I was a man & hated women/feminism, I’d be embarrassed to express it publicly, yet these men have zero shame in doing so. They’ll unabashedly out themselves as sexists for everyone to see & their lack of empathy for women never fails to astound me. They’re just unbothered.

Since joining FDS, I became a huge believer of the fact that small signs here & there can give a complete picture about someone’s personality. It’s important to be able to read people & look out for red flags. No matter how decent someone might seem at first, their mask will slip away sooner or later.

Update: another dude posted this on his story. Wow, they sure do love acting like victims. I’m repulsed & feel like quitting social media altogether