I thought I'd share this little success story here, because you're all one of the main reasons why I've had the strength to continue onwards in doing this.

I have officially escaped a rather unsavoury situation, let's just leave it at that. I am so, so pleased at what I've managed to achieve, and now I'm in a much better location and I'm safe and I can breathe at night. My life has changed in such a short period of time, in ways that I could never even have pictured before. You never realise just how bad it was, until you list all the things that have changed. I can wander through the house butt naked. I can sing. I can cook when I want, and make noise when I want. I can have an opinion. On anything. I can eat with the radio on. I can study downstairs, out in the open. I can buy a new set of clothes, and not have anyone screw up their face at me and say nothing (for the record, I looked fucking hot in that jacket). I can leave the house whenever I want and however I want, and go wherever I want, just because. I can take the train. I can deal with cataclysmic events like a pandemic without anyone telling me how to react, or what's right or wrong, or acting like the worst case scenario is always going to happen.

I'm a musician, and I've got this little list of demos (well, it's rather long nowadays) - and last night I was able to leave it fully in view on the dining table. Amazing. Astounding. I don't have to hide my diaries anymore. I don't have to hide anything about who I am.

So I wanted to post this here. This is just a sweet little reminder to let you all know to keep going with this place, no matter what! You're all doing really important work, in as many little ways as you can. Remember this: there are no small actions. You've saved my life and my confidence, and I'm a very confident person - but this proved almost too much for me. My nerves were shot by the end, but now I'm free.

I'm free, I'm free, I'm free!!! I think of all the women who've been stuck in this position - now, in the future, and throughout all history - and I'm going to make sure I honour their contributions by giving it my best and doing everything I always wanted to do - for them, whether they know it or not. Maybe once I 'recover' fully, I'll be ready to give back and really help out as much as I can with anyone else going through the same thing. I'd love to give that positive energy back. I'm very young, and I've got my whole life ahead of me, and it makes me so happy to know that I caught it so early, thanks to all of you here.

Blesses and kisses.