So long story short, I went to Scotland for a gig, met a guy there and we slept together. He was so clueless to the point he actually scratched me on the inside and made me bleed. I was mortified so I left and we didn't speak after that.
A few days ago, he messaged apologising for what had happened and I thought "Oh cool fair enough". He then tries to get me to sext with him because it's his way of feeling wanted. I said no and he was clearly just wanting a **** and he doesn't care at all for my personality. He says he does and he asks me questions about myself. It lasts for 5 minutes and then he goes back to talking about how great he normally is in bed. When I call him out on it, he replies back saying, "Oh you do have a good personality but your boobs and your ass are way too distracting."
I swear to God if I didn't live in a different country and he'd said this to me in person I'd have happily thrown hot coffee on his crotch area.
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[–]IrritatedMangoFDS Newbie[S] 17 points18 points19 points (2 children) | Copy Link
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[–]LlamaButInPajamasFDS Newbie16 points17 points18 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]take1990FDS Apprentice6 points7 points8 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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