It's nothing new to you that grooming exists and that many many scrotes like to target way younger girls to manipulate them more easily and use them for whatever they need at the moment.
I always thought the dynamic of an older woman with a much younger guy doesn't exist, because men naturally are attracted to women who are younger than them, but I actually noticed that it's far from the truth. I'm 37 (and didn't hit the wall yet hihi) and get a lot of attention from younger guys (18-25) and so do most of my girlfriends and even my own mother in her mid fifties. Many of those guys are naive and vulnerable, but I have never heard of a more mature woman taking advantage of a young guy. Actually every woman that I know was in contact with anyone younger treated them as if they were her children. Built them up and gave them advice. Women and scrotes are simply two different species.
[–]PahapanFDS Disciple 119 points120 points121 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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