I keep seeing Americans post about how (civil) marriage is a huge commitment and if you aren't married you can just "walk out".

I'm European and in my country you can get divorced on the spot if you'd agreed about splitting assets and child custody. You don't even need to go to court, just a notarized agreement will do -this law is rather new and is known as "express divorce law".

If you can't reach an agreement you serve your spouse the divorce papers and they have 20 days to make allegations. If they don't react I means that they've agreed to everything and that's it. If they do have allegations you both go to court to pledge your case and in 30 days tops the judge must give a verdict. Mind you, the judge only decides about child custody/support and marital assets, the divorce itself is automatically granted.

You aren't asked the reasons why you have a divorce, the only legal requirement is to have been married for at least three months.

Reading Reddit, which is heavily American, I have the impression that getting divorced there is a clusterfuck that can drag for years (!!!). I understand that it depends on the specific state but in general, it sounds like a nightmare.

I'd appreciate if you ladies could explain this to me. I haven't posted in any main subreddit because I don't wanna read men complaint, I hope it's ok to post it here.