Muh sexual appetite!!!!

These men are the main reason that I'm hesitant to get married.

I know about the cancer stats (that a substantial amount of men leave their sick wives) but I can look past that abysmal statistic because i believe that I have an eye for the type of men who would vs wouldn't stick around (this might be delusional on my part but my point is I can suspend my disbelief enough to not be scared off completely).

But menopause is another test of marriages that most men fail. And i don't even get it. What is SO bad about that stage of life? I know an older (single) women who is going through menopause and it's FINE. It's natural. It's not that scary. She jokes about it a lot, answers a lot of our questions (younger women at work) and has told us that it's different for everyone (so maybe she just got lucky) but she swears the reason it's not THAT bad is because she's single.

Married women are the ones who seem to really suffer during menopause. And they continue to suffer until they get divorced. Which is exactly what a lot of them do.

In fact, here's the most COMMON "good marriage" story out there: couple gets married late 20s early 30s. It's a good marriage. "Best friends". Loving couple with a healthy sex life. Then in their 40s or 50s it nosedives. Menopause affects her desire for sex. He starts hating her. He cheats.

At this point she either sticks by his side, forgives him and they become one of the 50 percent of "happy" marriages that survive. Or she files and becomes a "women initiate it" statistic. but that just means women do the paperwork (because of course they do). Most of the time the reason for divorce is because their husbands abandoned them for an affair or emotionally abandoned them "in sickness" (I know menopause isn't a sickness, it's natural, but to men's eyes it definitely is).

you could say that's a good run. That at least they got 15, 20+ years of happiness from their marriage. But we see these women all the time. The stress, pain and chaos doesn't seem like a worthy trade off at all, does it? Especially when you compare it to single women their age who are thriving. Why get married if this is the inevitable?

My only hopeful takeaway is maybe intimacy compatibility is more important than sexual compatibility, but idk if that's me doing mental gymnastics trying to hold on to the ideal of marriage.