TW: Childlessness
It’s not related to dating but I value the discussion on thus forum so much I really wanted to share this here. Please remove if it is not suitable here.
Strategy for whenever you’re asked about having kids.
I’m 38 years old and previously wanted to have children. Over the past few years I have intentionally worked on grieving that I will likely never have children.
Between therapy, research and spending a lot of time on the childfree forums I have come full circle in realizing that it’s best for me if I don’t have children.
I’m happy and I love my life as it is. It has been a hard journey to get to this point of confidence in how my life has played out.
My sister has always been childfree and everyone of my family dislikes her for it. She is often called selfish because of her decision.
I know that at some point in the future another family member will be asking me about when I’ll be having kids. For awhile I had collected a bunch of snarky replies that were rooted in my frustration of being perpetually badgered about this question.
Now that I’ve come full circle I realize there is absolutely no benefit in me getting defensive. As well, if I were to truly share how happy I am to not have children I’m sure it would upset my mother because she sacrificed so much for her kids. I do not need to upset her or cause her to vilify me for my happiness.
My new response when people ask is going to be…
Strategically tear up, get really quiet, and shake my head saying “please let’s talk about something else.”
Why this response?
I don’t owe them an answer or a conversation about this topic. There is absolutely no benefit to me discussing it with these people, the best solution to this problem is to make them feel so uncomfortable for asking that they never do it again.
My heart goes out to women who truly desire children and are not able to do so. I am childless by circumstance and people need to learn to stop asking this of women. You never know what’s she’s been through.
In the end it’s a better narrative for people to think I’m still in the grieving phase then to express the confidence I have worked so hard for. A lot of people are unhappy in life and they hate to see other people being happy or finding success.
It’s hard to be vulnerable in front of others, it’s hard to show weakness, but this small act will be the best solution to this problem.
- They stop asking.
- I get to make them uncomfortable.
- We avoid an argument.
- I garner sympathy.
- They hopefully learn to STOP asking women this question.
What are your thoughts? Have you done this before, did it work?
P.S. This only applies to non friends, family members, acquaintances,etc. If a close friend my age is struggling with being childless I would share my full journey and process so she could hopefully grieve as well.
[–]Weekly-Choice8407 250 points251 points252 points (8 children) | Copy Link
[–]bleda_princeznaFDS Newbie 121 points122 points123 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]ArugulaIsAwesomeFDS Apprentice[S] 39 points40 points41 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]Phoenix__Rising2018Ruthless Strategist 67 points68 points69 points (2 children) | Copy Link
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[–]scrotes_beGONE 30 points31 points32 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[+]modernmedusaa36 points [recovered] (2 children) | Copy Link
Lmfaooo you know what is SELFISH
When incompetent broke mentally ill adults decide they want a little minion to boss around then regret it and spend the next 18 years bullying & belittling them everyday until they need lifelong therapy
Narcissists who refuse to give their kids up for adoption and spread their mental illnesses to them only for social services to leave them on their own
Broke people who live just below the bread line deciding it’s a great idea to bring 5 kids into poverty
Don’t get me started on idiots having children at 17 ….unless you’re born into wealth that’s a stupid idea
That is SELFISH - a lot of people should not have any kids….look at the state of society ….it’s rare I bump into people who aren’t in therapy bc of their childhood etc
It’s SELFISH to have children when you don’t have the money to afford them or the time to bond with them or provide for them properly
I honestly think you should need a license to birth children …it’s insane that even drug addicts & prostitutes are allowed to give birth and sociopaths who don’t even like kids but still have them?
Realistically most men are a fucking nightmare to parent with….many of us saw our mothers lives and thought yeah no thanks I’m good
We already have way too many broken homes as it is and most children from abusive homes will not be offered help because there’s a long long waiting list
So actually it’s pretty mature & SELFLESS to be child free given the circumstances & you have more time to work on yourself & become a well rounded person & help those who did not get a good childhood
I don’t understand people’s obsession with passing on their genes like the world is going to become extinct of humans anytime soon - there’s already enough pollution & nut cases on this planet
Like yes in an ideal non misogynist world it would be nice to have children & be supported ….but in reality in this patriarchal society it’s more like the Hunger games & women are dumped on
Not to mention the amount of male pedophiles around these days & the fact these scrotes are serial cheating in 6 months & want you trapped with 5 children so you can’t leave
Many people just have kids out of boredom/ lack of purpose/ loneliness or to avoid facing their own problems and that produces more dysfunctional adults
So yeah next time someone asks you that question - shove that in their face
[–]ferociouslycuriousFDS Newbie 11 points12 points13 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]LanaDelDesperate09 21 points22 points23 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]East-Willingness513FDS Newbie 16 points17 points18 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]hensbanexFDS Newbie 12 points13 points14 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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