I know there are a ton of posts about this, but the lack of morality/conscientiousness and the lengths these men will go to not take any accountability is truly amazing.

Much like how men will exhaust all their options when trying to hustle you into bed, they will also try all of their options when they don't want to take accountability for being their poor behavior.

The "iTs mY BiOloGy" statement is really just a last-resort excuse. It's also manipulative because it fits right in with their "rAtIonAl MaLe" aesthetic & technically you "can't argue with science", even though they know deep down that what they just said is PSEUDOscience.

TELL ME THE GENE THAT MAKES YOU "INVOLUNTARILY" HARASS, OBJECTIFY, AND SEXUALIZE WOMEN. What is it? If you're such a fucking scientist I'm genuinely curious to know the gene that causes you sit in your mom's basement all day and jerk off to furry porn with your unwashed Cheeto fingers.

Yet they have no problem admitting socialization exists when they tell women that they were socialized to feel "entitled" to the top 10% of men or whatever the % is nowadays.