I noticed that since doing FDS few men have passed pre-date vetting and only a small handful who do meet the bare minimum actually make it to the first date.
The issue is that they are getting smarter and have gotten good at pretending to be high effort, act like a gentleman, they will plan the first date at a nice restaurant, have good manners, pay, and then... after that first date is over the mask slips. For some, they started doing the slow fade and bread crumbing. Others, got wildly sexual and tried planning a 2nd date of Netflix and chill. One tried inviting himself to my place. Another offered to get a hotel for the 2nd date. All were ghosted and blocked.
One had continued the facade after a nice first date and then still was putting in effort afterwards and even suggested a 2nd date at a different restaurant. He said he was thinking the weekend. As it got closer to the weekend, he texted me saying how I liked art and was like I know you appreciate museums. Then he asked if I had ever seen a sculpture in x town. I thought he was gonna ask me to some art gallery or museum. Nope. It was some dumpy Park with a community sculpture, and he was suggesting that we could walk around the park. He tried tricking me into a walk date. Blocked immediately.
Others will continue to act nice and then take you to a restaurant or dinner and a movie after the first date. Then they will blindside you By acting like a f boy or it'll be seemingly going well again until the bill comes and he says outta the blue "it's your turn to get the check since I got it last time."
The one thing though was that if a 2nd date was rolling around with any of these guys I started to feel very slightly unsure. It was like somewhere deep down, I knew he wasn't that into me and that he wasn't that excited. The lesson to learn is men shouldn't have you feeling unsure, and if you have a gut reaction listen to it.
The thing is they will not always have signs of being LV or having red flags- for these type of fakers the mask slip IS that first red flag and their first shit test they give you. It is our individual responsibility to walk away / delete block at the first mask slip or red flag. It also confirmed with me that my gut instincts even when they feel so small are spot on. Listen to YOUR GUT not your heart.
Edit for typo
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