All the shit inkels and meninists cry about boil down to things that are actually socially enforced by toxic masculinity, something these scrotes refuse to acknowledge because it would mean taking responsibility for themselves. Basically it's all shit that men enforce on themselves or each other because they're fucking bullies, and yet they want women to solve it for them because it's easier to play the victim than change

  1. Men can't ever cry or show their emotions: blatant toxic masculinity in it's purest form. Feelings are for the weak, men just punch shit etc etc. And yet these posts are always framed in the most self pitying way and with a strong intention to guilt women as if we're responsible

  2. Women don't hug, show affection to, or trust male strangers and friends: first of all, they can fuck right off with this shit, just period. This is not oppression. Second of all, maybe if they didnt perve on, assault and murder every woman that was this trusting and defenselessly kind to them, we wouldnt be so reluctant. Statistically if we were this kind to you, we'd just be, in your words, asking for it. But again, that would taking responsibility for their actions.

  3. Men commit suicide way more often than women: Sigh Because theyre over dramatic, violent, self obsessed creatures that literally think dominating and fucking women is the meaning of life. Toxic masculinity places all their worth and value in sex, which is again, a problem men have created and enforce.

  4. Men dont have any body positivity: because they never had any real beauty standards in the first place... and again, it's not our job to fix that. Men should be supporting each other. But toxic masculinity says supporting other men is gay or whatever (I'm pro LGBT just using their terminology here)

  5. Men are constantly "taken advantage of" by "gold digging" women: because toxic masculinity dictates that a man must be a provider and his worth is is wallet

  6. When emergencies happen, women are protected while men fight and die: toxic masculinity is about muscle, strength, power etc.

  7. Male virginity is on the rise and men are living sexless lives later and later into their adulthood: I'm very certain men's ideals of being noncommittal shitheads that objectify women and just want to fuck us are, 99%... wait 100% the reason.

In conclusion, "male oppression" is just toxic masculinity through and through I. E. A problem men created and constantly enforce. Yet these RPers absolutely cling to traditional toxic masculinity ideals and delude themselves into thinking we are the problem because they dont want to better themselves or change. Male oppression is just men hurting themselves and demanding we kiss their booboos. Ever notice how obsessed these same men are with being masculine? It's all their fault and they want women to make up for it.