The struggles of sexually internalized misogyny

6 points250 commentssubmitted by unoriginalthrowawayg to r/PurplePillDebate

I'd like to know what do people think about sexual kinks involving misogynistic behaviors, that I suspect many men are struggling with. I'm gonna give myself as an example: m(21) socially awkward and unlucky with women. I've never actually harassed or hurt a woman in my life. But I have dark fantasies involving violence, non consensual sex and humiliation towards women; eventhough I tend to have a lot of respect for women in my daily life. So how does one cope with these dark fantasies, while still trying to be a better human being and getting enlightened towards modern gender issues? How would anyone be able to open up about these fantasies with others, especially with women? How could such fantasies impact one's life? I must of course specify that real violence and real harassment are absolutely out of the subject, and that acting upon such dark fantasies against a non consenting person is 100% wrong. Like I said, I think this might be a problem that many men, and especially "male feminist" and "male allies" might find themselves trapped in. Internalized misogyny is a very big problem, and I think this might be one of it's most vicious way because despite knowing it's wrong, these fantasies have a lot of power over me. I would like to know what does women have to say about this? I Would also like to have the opinion of people who are also struggling with these dark fantasies, but don't forget to use a throwaway, lol.