Men have destroyed "The Family"

278 points73 commentssubmitted by SearchLightsInc to r/GenderCritical2

And then gone on to blame women for it. Yawn what's new? To briefly cover, if you listen to the rages of your typical MRA/internet misogynist they'll tell you women have destroyed the family. We initiate divorce more, we "stop" the father from seeing his children out of "spite", we destroy our relationships with our partners after having children by no longer holding an interest in regular sex. This leads to men feeling left out, cold and uncared for - so they become distant, cold and uncaring to their wives and even their children.

How dare women not be able to cope with stresses of raising a family in the modern world. A world that men take great pride in saying they've cultivated together - For women. According to some illiterates, the Pill has been one of the biggest factors of the birthrate dropping. Women having control over when they have children has lead to many "silly women" even having the audacity to not have children at all. The reasons for women choosing not to have children are unimportant to the debate amongst men. Its not worth questioning because why wouldn't you want to fulfil your biological imperative?? (As stated, by men)

Well, the world has changed big time since the pill became widely available in the 60's. While being a SAM was still a lonely and almost thankless task at least you didn't have to work 40 hours a week on top of doing all the household chores and emotional labour. But come on, who wants to be mother if you constantly feel lonely, unappreciated and your husband dangles your home and safety net above you if you disobey him and his whims - Feminism happened for a reason and it was to give women the power to choose how to live their lives and not be held hostage.

So women got together, we burned bra's, we demanded professional advancement and opportunities, we continued to raise families in economic conditions that were continuously getting worse. While women made these little steps, men retained the power in society. They lead politics, they lead the economy - And completely neglected to change things to keep up with the social changes/attitudes from the 60's to the modern day. Thus, we now find ourselves in a position where the majority of mothers have to work to support their families, even though the father works. On top of that, we failed to educate men on the new deal - The deal that he has to be present, he has to help with the household and actually spend time with his kids. That having a family was more than just him working 8 hours a day and expecting his fucking dinner on the table when he rocked up home.

So, with men leading the economy and politics from the 60's and onwards, how did they cope with the changes to women's needs in this new frontier of women history? They sat back and did fuck all. No, literally. They shipped the well paid jobs abroad for cheap labour, ensuring that men who would normally bring in a decent wage to support a family couldnt do so anymore. They created a "service sector" economy, said that women were more suited than men for it (Debatable) and proceeded to ensure that wages in the service sector were bare minimum - Doesn't matter what country your from, manual work pays peanuts and men ensure that's the case because they don't respect labour (Even less, women's labour) They fucked the housing market to the point where even if you wanted to start a family you wouldnt be able to get an appropriate home to do so. In places like america, men have worked hard to ensure that maternity/paternity pay (And even holiday pay) aren't readily available. The cost of raising a child (Basic stuff like daycare/nursery's) are extortionately expensive when they should be subsidised by the government considering how many women were working and paying taxes. Dont even get me started on the fact that american's in the modern fucking day, dont have single-payer healthcare. The sheer expense of having one child in america definitely contributes to the downfall of the family. The main objectors to medicare for all are crusty white rich men. Colour me surprised.

But you ask any MRA or typical internet misogynist and they'll tell you that women fucked themselves over. Yup, apparently, women should of been satisfied to have 1 man (all their lives) benefiting from their free labour, benefiting from their wombs, benefiting from their emotional labour without even so much of a crumb of understanding or empathy for their sacrifice. By trying to gain some autonomy - Such as when they would prefer to have children, if at all, women have fucked themselves over (And the concept of family) by "trying to be men." Trying to be people who do more than raise the next generation and rub their husbands feet when he gets home from his 3rd job because the man born above him shipped his well paid job oversea's. Take 1 look at the world men have had the greatest hand in creating - Who the fuck, in their right mind, would want to raise a family in this shower of shit? Really?

The shit stinks so bad they have to indoctrinate girls from birth that their main focus in life should be to find a man and have kids. That's it. Be beautiful, be submissive, be willing to put up with someone who has no interest in having a proper emotional relationship with you and do it quietly. But still there is a massive lack of education for women concerning their bodies. I almost feel that the true nature of pregnancy and raising children is purposely hidden from women in order to dupe them into making that sacrifice. Once you're pregnant, the shitshow has already began and you've spent your whole life being lied too about what it's like to be a wife and mother. Its the ultimate troll of patriarchy.

I could almost finish up by stating that the "choice" that was offered to women over the past 70 years has simply been "Be a traditional SAM, we'll pump you with anti depressants so it wont be so bad or go out and work 40 hours a week and still have to come home and do everything else on top - anti depressants are optional"

So, fuck you men for creating a world where families cant thrive and then trying to push the blame of that on women. You have the power to change the way society views and values things and yet you sit there with your finger's up your asses driving the world ever further off the fucking cliff because you lack an actual vision for humanity where men and their needs are not the fucking centre-piece. Men dont care about families because they don't actually know what it is to create one. While they're out there making the world a worse place for most people, his wife is at home taking care of everything and raising their children to cope in a world that is cannibalising itself.