Anyone relieved when men fall off the face of the earth when they see you in a new relationship and happy?

They’re not even trying to orbit you. They were just friends with you on false pretences. These men were trying to fuck you or be more than friends with you all along, but once you’re in a relationship they end up blocking you and disappearing.

I had this happened recently and I’m not even mad about it. They did me a favour. If I’m deliberately ignoring a man after I told them I’m in a relationship, they should get the message. Instead, my boundaries were violated. I’m under no obligation to keep friendships with men. I’m under no obligation to reply to men’s texts in an appropriate timeframe if I’m not involved with them romantically or in a professional/business related matter.

So to all the men who decide to block women who decide not to give you the time of day, THANK YOU! On behalf of all women, we absolutely hate it when you orbit us. Orbiting us makes you look thirsty and won’t let us gain an ounce attraction to you. Not now. Not ever.

Men who love to bitch about women enjoying having male orbiters are absolutely full of shit.