This argument makes zero sense.

You're right, finding casual partners is typically easy for women and difficult for men.

Which means that a man who has slept around a lot has almost inevitably spent countless hours doing nothing but the most superficial self improvement with the sole objective of getting laid, taught himself to manipulate people, trawled through clubs or Tinder spamming hundreds of people with his requests. This is valuable time he could have used for projects that improve the lives of people around him and grow his character and skill set in an admirable direction. Instead he just poured all this effort into the most selfish, basic goal possible.

A woman who has had lots of partners, however, could still have invested her time wisely, and just occasionally chosen to have fun without putting that much thought into it. Because finding partners was easy for her, she still had the time to build a well-rounded set of life skills, develop her social life, get the most of her education and cultivate creativity and kindness. In her case, a high count in itself is not evidence of wasted years.

I don't really advocate casual sex since it doesn't usually benefit women, and the culture around it has many other downsides too, but I'm tired of rolling my eyes at the double standard and the poor logic that's used to justify it when this should be obvious. Time is a resource, and how you use it determines the person you become, so why brag about how much you spend it just on getting laid.