I really need advice and I hope this isn't too intense for this sub.
I recently found out that my mom has been in touch with an abusive ex of mine. She has helped him pick out an apartement (my uncle is a real estate agent so that helps I guess). She has also supported him financially. When I tried to break up with him, she would guilt me into staying with him. He's a covert narcissist who pretends to be a lamb, but is really just a wolf underneath that mask. And she just falls for that act. She's also lied.
Finding this out about him was just like a dagger through my heart. This isn't the first time my mother has done this, but definitely the final straw for me. I want to break contact with her, but I don't know if that would make me an AH since she has worked hard to give me a proper life and put food on the table. I cam't help but feel heartbroken.