At socially distanced lunch at work, we had a mixed group of 3 girls and 2 guys. After the guys leave, it comes to light that one of these men, who always behaved very shyly, almost timidly with me, had the audacity to pressure one of these girls into going to a nude beach with him- as friends. We are all in competitive careers, someone who you would think would conduct themselves professionally.

What kills me is the pickmeisha friend who thinks this is some sort of compliment to her beauty, rather than seeing it for what it is: the insult of a guy exploiting the benefits of her youth and beauty without investing any effort in properly courting her. Literally 0, they're going to a public nude beach.

Because we all go to friendly nude beaches in our birthday suits with friendly friends and coworkers. As an aside, this also reinforces FDS principles, because he wouldn't dare propose something like this to me or a friend who is growing into FDS.