~ archived since 2018 ~
[–]astrangerstillFDS Newbie22 points23 points24 points 4 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Dating a hot guy who is broke and lacks ambition and is just “hot” is not that great. I think this video is accurate and not pick me behavior at all. Besides, just because men do it all the time definitely doesn’t mean it’s something women should do. We have to be smarter when dating a lot of the time. Dating a hot guy who also has his shit together and wants to grow together with you is one thing. Dating a hot guy whose best quality is being hot is another thing that I also wouldn’t recommend.
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie20 points21 points22 points 4 years ago (5 children) | Copy Link
Idk, I don’t care to watch the video but the title is clearly saying you shouldn’t date hot guys simply for being hot
[–]dalia-chanFDS Newbie[S] 15 points16 points17 points 4 years ago (4 children) | Copy Link
men do this all the time! You have a thousand of videos teaching men how to get the hottest woman they can, and just when a woman talk about having some physical standards, she get called shallow or silly! Sorry not sorry.
We women tend to forgive too much when it comes to a man’s look. Physical attractiveness should come first, and then there’s personality and there’s nothing bad in that, because you will have to face the same shits with a man wether he’s hot or ugly so it’s better to go for the highest reward.
Men are never ashamed to say how visual they are and yet women are always getting taught how they should prioritize personality over look.
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (3 children) | Copy Link
I know, but that still doesn’t mean you should date a man simply because he’s hot. He could be (and honestly it’s likely he is) abusive or shitty in other ways.
[–]dalia-chanFDS Newbie[S] 15 points16 points17 points 4 years ago (2 children) | Copy Link
But an ugly guy can also be like that if not worse! most ugly men are manipulative jerks, who play the nice attitude card to get a woman but then show their real face when she fall in love with them. Conclusion? Both ugly and good looking men can treat you great and badly. I’d rather risk to be fooled and cheated on by a good looking man over an ugly man. Especially that if an ugly man is loyal because he lack option then it doesn’t mean shit, cause he will cheat the moment the occasion show up.
And like a said most men go for the prettiest woman they can get. So women should also do the same thing, and be as picky as them.
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
Well I’d rather date a hot guy who isn’t a POS so no thanks, not going for men just based on looks.
[–]Hot-apricotFDS Newbie4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Looking hot AF is the first on my list of qualities I’m looking for in a man because it’s the easiest one to check!
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[–]astrangerstillFDS Newbie22 points23 points24 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie20 points21 points22 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–]dalia-chanFDS Newbie[S] 15 points16 points17 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie5 points6 points7 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]dalia-chanFDS Newbie[S] 15 points16 points17 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]RadFriendsFDS Newbie4 points5 points6 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Hot-apricotFDS Newbie4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link