Apparently there are a lot of memes going around about feminists not wanting to be drafted in world war III and how that apparently makes them hypocrites.

Feminists are scrambling to remind these males that they fought for the right to be in the military and that women do fight in wars.

The whole situation is pissing me off and here's why:

There is no greater coward, no bigger low life piece of shit than a man who wants women to be forcibly drafted into war.

No respectable male wants WOMEN to fight and die in men's stupid, artificial conflicts.

Only men who despise women, who themselves are not paired to women that they actually care about think that women should be drafted.

And OF course the overwhelming feminist response is just to point out that women fight too, when really feminists need to laugh in their faces and point out that men are the ones who started the wars and that we are under no obligation to help them out here.

Fuck explaining to useless men why we shouldn't fucking die for them. They fill me with disgust. I wish feminists would stop appealing to them at all. Stop saying that women should be drafted too. 80% of women in the military get raped by men on their own side. WAKE UP.

Wars are started by men for other men's benefit. Society would fall apart if women were not left behind to continue on. Men who think that women should be drafted don't "believe in real equality," they are actually just bitter towards women to the point that they want us to die.

Literally the men who believe this do it because they want feminists to die. Don't fucking pander to these low value scum.