I was once talking to a friend of mine, trying to understand why so many middle aged men are absolute perverts and creeps that hit on young women and cannot take a hint.

He told me that all young men fear the day when they are old enough to be seen as a "creepy old man". He said that for him it first happened in his mid 20s at a live show. He was just there to see a band, but he felt the side eyes and discomfort of the young women around him, so he knew That Day had come. What he didn't expect was that for a lot of his peers, when that day arrives they are so blissfully deep in denial that they literally don't even see it. They can stand next to those same uncomfortable young women and feel that they belong. They feel like That Day never arrived. That they were fearful for nothing. It doesn't matter how many people tell them they're being creepy. Denial is a strong drug. They double down. They don't see it. And it became clear to him around that time how many of his life long childhood friends "got weird" when they started aging. They started obsessing over younger and younger women in a way they never had before. He warned me that it was more common than I thought. He started listing off mutual friends who said "weird guy" things. It made me really sad honestly.

But now that some time has passed and I know how to filter lvm from hvm I can appreciate the insight. I'm grateful that I know the truth about those men.

Just to get it out of the way; yes "the wall" is misogynistic b.s. just like "women can't drive" or "women's brains are interior". It's not worth breaking down because it's pointless to debate propaganda. We know healthy normal men and women don't buy into it. We all live in reality.

But it is helpful to be aware of those men. Because you do need to accept that there are a lot of men who are exclusively attracted to young women, and girls. And they really are in denial about their place in those women's lives. As they age, they will double down. When they start to age and start saying things like women "hit a wall" or "peak" at 25, or that they've never seen a good looking older woman; don't debate them. Don't try to persuade them. Don't assume they're "just" negging. Don't worry if they coping with their own aging issues. Just believe them. And stay away. Don't make the mistake or thinking you can break through to them. They're gone. They're in creepy old man territory and they wont recover.

If you think "well I'm repulsed by older men, so it makes sense that men my age are repulsed by older women" you are making a mistake. You're not the same as they are. You're repulsed now by older men, but you are aware that you'll adapt with age. You know that one day, when you're old, you'll be okay with a partner your same age. That's not how those men see it. They don't grow out of it. It's not a temporary aversion.

Look around you. Notice how many creepy old men are around? Look up how many literal pedophiles are in your neighborhood at this very moment. Think about all the lonely old perverts who gawk at you in public. All the crusty middle aged perverts who embarrass their wives by flirting with teenage waitresses or clerks. Think about all the middle aged men who hit on you when you were 12.

There is a large amount of men who's entire lives are spent gawking over girls and young women. The reason they have such an unhealthy, compulsive obsession is because they have deep issues with aging. They end up feeling sexually repressed. Because they feel trapped in marriages with women their own age. They resent, disrespect and hate their wives for aging. Their only outlet is being creeps.

If you're with one of those men it doesn't matter how well you age. It doesn't matter if you're Gwen Stefani or Salma Hayek. It doesn't matter how great your moral compass or personality is. They don't see it as beauty. They would choose an ugly teenager over a stunning grown woman. They just prefer girls. that is who those men are. They are real. No the wall isn't real to us, and to healthy men. But the wall is "real" to a large portion of men, so stay woke.