I really felt like the world was ending. I felt I was never going to be in a loving relationship, I was never going to be romantically cared for by someone, and I felt pretty hopeless I’d even get to met a guy that would just love and accept me.
After being hurt by men and women alike, I just wanted to curl in a ball and disintegrate.
Then, by some miracle, I hauled my agoraphobic ass to the store to buy some desperately needed new curtains.
I looked out of the shop window and saw a group of guys. One was my type, dark hair and cute smile, and was waving a van into a parking spot. He was dancing badly as he did it and I laughed at his silliness and was reminded that life isn’t so bad. Not all men are deviants and murders. Not all men want to hurt me. It’s ok to go outside.
My world is defaulted black and white. When I read post that say ‘all men are bad and will kill you’ my brain soaks up that sh*t like a sponge and chooses to accept it as fact even if it isn’t.
I’m 19 and just starting out on this journey of life and I just want to know it’s worth it to pursue the happiness I so desire from relationships to educational aspirations.
I want a romantic relationship. I want it so bad it hurts. After everything I’ve been through in life I’d just like some positivity that things aren’t all bad. Some nice stories, nice experiences.
I just need a little support to let me know it gets better.
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